Media and Press

Articles and Publications

Eating disorders are not the same as body dysmorphic disorder (and why it matters)
International OCD Foundation Summer Newsletter cover article by Eva Fisher, PhD, Fugen Neziroglu, PhD, and Jamie Feusner, MD

Many people (including therapists and clinicians) have questions about the similarities and differences between eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Eating disorders and BDD are both severe body image disorders that have high morbidity and mortality rates. Differentiating between them is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment.

Read the full article here:

Body dysmorphic disorder is more common than eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, yet few people are aware of its dangers
The Conversation article by Eva Fisher, PhD, Fugen Neziroglu, PhD, and Jamie Feusner, MD

While eating disorders have been widely publicized for decades, far less attention has been given to a related condition called body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD. Body dysmorphic disorder is often hidden from public view due to the shame people feel about one or more parts of their body, yet it is a devastating, debilitating psychological condition. People with the disorder suffer from obsessive thoughts and repetitive behaviors related to their appearance.

Read the full article here:

The Conversation article has been reprinted in more than 80 online publications (both English and Spanish), including Fortune, MSN, Yahoo! Sports, SFGate, Chron, The South African, Houston Chronicle, Espanol News, and MedicalXpress.

How I Recovered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A Personal Story by Eva Fisher, PhD

I remember starting to stare at myself in the mirror when I was 16 years old. Before then, I would spend most of my free time walking and reading outdoors, watching television, writing, or playing with my friends and pets. Then, after I turned 16 I became increasingly aware of my appearance, especially my face. I started wearing make-up and reading fashion magazines, and comparing my appearance to my peers and the models in the magazines.

Read the full article here:

The BDD Family: Coping with Body Dysmorphic Disorder in a Peer Support Group
A Nonfiction Book by Eva Fisher, PhD

The book is based on her dissertation titled: “Am I Ugly or Do I have BDD?”: Personal Disclosure and Social Support on a Body Dysmorphic Disorder Online Forum.

Am I ugly or do I have BDD? If you ask yourself this question, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), an underrecognized mental health condition that causes individuals to feel ugly and disfigured when they actually appear normal or attractive to others.

More information about The BDD Family book is available here.

Podcasts and Radio Interviews

OCD Whisper Podcast – BDD with Dr. Eva Fisher

Kristina Orlova, CMT, LMFT

Hey there, OCD fam! I sit down with the amazing Dr. Eva Fisher to dive into the world of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Get ready for a candid chat about Dr. Fisher’s personal journey, treatment experiences, recovery, and her incredible book, “The BDD Family Book.”

Here is a link to the podcast episode:

Beating BDD Podcast #27 with Eva Fisher, PhD

BDD Foundation (United Kingdom)

Eva has been recovered from BDD for 20 years, so brings loads of wisdom and experience to this episode. Listen here:

Read and download transcript here:

Radio Interview with Eva Fisher, PhD

Chelsea on CHED (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

Learn more about body dysmorphic disorder and how the condition differs from body dysmorphia and eating disorders.