BDD Small Group Coaching
Next Group Starts March 2025
- Get help setting your BDD goals
- Give and receive advice and support
- Review and practice coping skills
- Get ongoing coaching from Dr. Eva
- Two monthly meetings on Tuesdays
- Meetings at 8:00pm EST/5:00pm PST
- Limited to 5 people per group
- Contact Dr. Eva for more information
Guided Meditation Practice
Starts Spring 2025
- Gain inner peace
- Get support from group members
- Practice guided meditation skills
- Two meditation sessions/month
- Sessions last for 1 hour
- Limited to 10 people
- Contact Dr. Eva for more information
Mental Health Coping Course
Starts Summer 2025
- Learn to cope with stigma and shame
- Identify and name your inner critic
- Develop a more positive self-identity
- Prepare for setbacks and success
- Gain hope that recovery is possible
- Give and receive emotional support
- Includes weekly small group coaching
- One-on-one coaching is also available
- Contact Dr. Eva for more information
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